Von Maksim Yemelyanau
An short overview of the situation with COVID-19 in the Republic of Belarus.
Von Maksim Yemelyanau
An short overview of the situation with COVID-19 in the Republic of Belarus.
Von Anelia Kassabova
Covid-19 hat zur Schließung nationaler Grenzen geführt. Die Medizingeschichte legt aber im Gegenteil internationale Zusammenarbeit nahe.
Von Gábor Egry
The crisis so far revealed how much the Prime Minister lost control of events for a while as soon as he was facing a real threat.
Von Gábor Egry
It is not individual merit that counts in Orbán’s world, but how much one is considered to fulfill duty for the nation, like the new elite.
Von Dubravka Stojanović
Analyses of how the world reacted to earlier crises show that we might face a crucial turning point right now.
Von Jafar Said
In Azerbaijan the Virus is not only threatening public health, but also the freedom of opinion of internet users.
Von Richard Newell
Especially in Southeastern Europe, some developments point towards an increasingly violent future.
Von Liana Kupreishvili
In Georgia, some people feel like they have to choose between saving their health or their souls.
Von Maryna Rabinovych
The Coronavirus pandemic holds a magnifying glass to Ukraine’s problems.
Von Narine Rada
An elaboration of the key policy measures taken by the Uzbek authorities in response to the pandemic.