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“East vs West” or “Out from the Oligarchs’ Captivity”?! The Moldovans Elect their President

by Svetlana Suveica (Regensburg)

On Sunday, October 30, 2016, the Moldovans elected their president. The turnout for the direct elections1 was 49 %, approximately 6 % less than in the 2014 Parliamentary elections. According to the preliminary results, 48,2 % of votes went to the candidate of the Socialist Party, Igor Dodon, whereas Maia Sandu, the joint candidate of three opposition parties (PAS, PDAA and PLDM), gathered 38,4 % of votes. The second round of elections will be held on November 13.2

  1. This was possible after a change of the legislation by the Constitutional Court of March 3rd 2016 (, considered by many as a controversial decision. []
  2. Moldova presidential election goes to second round, at: []