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Aktuelles Krieg gegen die Ukraine

The Referendum to Join Russia – an Update

by Elia Bescotti

In the recent presidential elections in South Ossetia the question of a referendum to join Russia played an important role. But ultimately, it will be the Kremlin to decide if, when and how this breakaway region of Georgia will be allowed into the Russian Federation.

Aktuelles Krieg gegen die Ukraine

Closer to Russian Annexation?

by Elia Bescotti

During the campaign for the presidential election in South Ossetia, a Russian-backed breakaway region in Georgia, incumbent president Anatolii Bibilov said that he would take legal steps to join the Russian Federation. Why now?

Corona in Ost- und Südosteuropa

The Coronavirus Emergency in the Post-Soviet Breakaway Regions

Von Elia Bescotti
Despite their non-recognition, the COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the breakaway regions of the post-Soviet space.